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Blue Frog Shavings

Blue Frog Shavings

Blue Frog Shavings

Once dried and dust extracted the flakes are baled and palletised, without being handled by hand. This streamline aspect of the process keeps our efficiency of supply up and costs down. Bluefrog bedding is created from virgin timber, it is not made from recycled waste product. Yet when you choose bluefrog you are helping plant more trees, as all our timber comes from government managed Coillte forests.

 Having control over our raw material gives us two main advantages. Firstly our product has no risk of contamination from the processing used on waste timber, or spores which can be present in organic or non-sterile bedding.

The other advantage is that we don’t suffer from seasonal scarcity that occurs with a process that relies on waste products from other production processes. By specifically manufacturing bluefrog we can keep control over quality and price, giving you the customer the peace of mind that you are using the best bedding available at the best price!

42 per pallet


  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: BF
Tags: woodchips

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